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Galerie Claes Lislerud

Verfasst: Di 28. Aug 2012, 22:14
von Claes Lislerud
Hello, I was invited to this forum today. Really nice models you are building folks! Her is my contribution:

I am from Norway and live in northern parts at Bodö. Some of You might have bin driving thru here on your way to the Lofoten Islands. Here we have the Norwegian Aviation Museum and the worlds largest tidal current - Saltstraumen -.

As an old Crew Chief on the F-16 at Bodö Main Air Station, I saw a lot of military equipment. The most common are those that I want to build. So here is the beginning.

Mercedes-Benz GW. Started with a Roco model that I lengthen to long wheelbase. New canvastop was also one of the main parts on this model. All my models is missing license plates, but they will get it at one time.

Hägglunds BW206. An Trident model that I just painted in Norwegian colors.

On the bedding there is this Scania 93M 4X4:

and an Leopard 2A5 tank.

I also want to build an Scania 113E Crewcab as an tank carrier like this:

Time will show, I have a lot of civilian cars and trucks on my to-do-list as well.

Claes Lislerud

Re: Galerie Claes Lislerud

Verfasst: Mi 29. Aug 2012, 03:42
von Heinz Peters
Hi Claes,

you've really hurried with showing your first fotos, well done and thanks for it.
Further it's interesting reading something about your military career. So I believe you can show us a lot of interesting models and photos of original vehicles.

Your models look very interesting with their excellent done special comouflage and the G-model conversion with the lengthened chassis does so.
The Scania 143 6x6 would be a dream as a HET in scale H0. I'm a fan of tank transporter models.
But at first, we all will be curios about your project 'Scania P93 M 4x4'. What model will become the basis for this military version? Are you going taking an older Herpa Scania model for it? Please show us photos of the construction and building phase steps in the chapter "Werkstatt".

Best regards

Re: Galerie Claes Lislerud

Verfasst: Mi 29. Aug 2012, 14:44
von Claes Lislerud
Thank You, Heinz!

I will give you folks updates of the trucks. The HET is a big project. I have a friend i Sweden who had made the DO-KA but I don't know if he still has it in his program. If not, I have to splice two Herpa cabins for it.
Do some of You have an idéa for the trailer?


Re: Galerie Claes Lislerud

Verfasst: Mi 29. Aug 2012, 16:11
von Jens O. Mehner
Hjertelig velkommen Claes,

you must be the northernmost of our participants yet, I think our German in Finnish exile lives more southerly than Bodø. Are those long polar nights the time when you spend most of your spare time on modeling?

Very nice GW conversion (I am currently working on a few Gs and P4s myself) and that Bv 206 looks very nice in Norwegian livery. Do you also convert Preiser figures or are your vehicles strictly unmanned?

I too am looking forward to your Scanias, although I am more interested in the cargo truck, HETs take up so much space... To make the most of your visits, best use "Scale Model Team" for discussion and enquiries, the "Werkstatt" for your in-progress reports and the "Galerie" just for the completed models, otherwise your posts may not be seen by everyone and that would be sad.

Mange hilsener

Jens O.

Re: Galerie Claes Lislerud

Verfasst: So 21. Okt 2012, 00:44
von Heinz Peters
Jens O. Mehner hat geschrieben:
I too am looking forward to your Scanias, although I am more interested in the cargo truck, HETs take up so much space...

Jens O.

Hello Jens,

I've a small tip for you: Place two cargo trucks on the HET's lowbed trailer. That should help you saving the needed space!!! :D
